Posts Tagged ‘whu’

For those classes I left out of my blogging resource post the other day, I’m going to my best to provide you a link to a good read, just for you. Yes, you personally. Here is Pt. 2, Pt. 3 should be out in a couple of days.

Death Knight: – “A Death Knight’s perspective on raiding, guild-membering, and other World of Warcraft activities”. I believe a writer from this blog also took the time to correct my baddie frost rotation in a comment on another of my posts.

Druid: – This seems to be a pretty awesome collection of druid posts for all druid specs and is set up in an organized and very attractive layout.

Hunter: – Pretty much THE definitive hunter blog. If you’re a serious hunter, you should be reading this.

Rogue: – A blog with rogue PVE as the main focus, as if the name didn’t make it obvious. Looks like it’s a pretty active and current blog.

Pt.3 will have Warriors, Mages, Warlocks, and Priests (in no particular order).  To that end, feel free to comment any good blogs you know for these classes, even if it’s a self plug or shout out for a friend. If you feel there’s a particular blog for a class I’ve already covered that absolutely should get some face time with the readers here, also don’t hesitate to leave that blog link in a comment.

I’m probably taking my fury warrior to RS and ICC10 HM tonight, so I should have a post up with some feedback on that over the weekend. See ya!